
In interpretation of and as amendment of the Articles of the Society and the Examination Regulations of the „Gesellschaft für Forensische Schriftuntersuchung (GFS)“ and under consideration of the Admission Rules for the public admission and swearing-in of writing experts, the following Admission Rules have been passed:


T E R M S   O F   A D M I S S I O N

Article 1    Recommendation for Membership

(1)       In compliance with Article 4 Paragraph 2 and 3 of the Articles of Association, a person can only become an ordinary member or candidate member upon recommendation of at least two ordinary members. This nomination has to be made by using the schedule Recommendation for Admissionand the schedule Attachment to Recommendation for Admission“, which is to be filled out and signed by the recommended person.

(2)       Members of the Board and members of the Examining Board should not make recommendations for admission. The President and Vice-President are not permitted to make recommendations for admission.

Article 2    Preliminary Examination

The Chairperson checks whether the application for membership has been filled in completely and correctly and shall report to the Board on how far the documents show that the applicant fulfils the preconditions of Article 4 Paragraph 2 of the Articles of the Society.

Article 3    Announcement of the Application for Membership to the Members

(1)       If, in the opinion of the Board, the conditions for possible admission to the Society have been fulfilled, the Chairperson shall provide all ordinary members of the Society with the name and address of the applicant, and shall announce the proposed special field of work, the professional qualification, the guarantors and the membership status.

(2)  Ordinary members of the Society have the opportunity, for a period of 2 months, to state any objections to the admission of an applicant to the Society.

Article 4    Intermediate Decision of the Board

(1)       If objections to the admission of an applicant to the Society are raised, the Board must investigate them. Thereafter the Board decides whether the admission process is to be continued and whether the applicant should be recommended to take an examination set by the Examining Board of the Society.

(2)       In compliance with Article 4 Paragraph 2 the Board may recommend the Examining Board to recognize a qualification obtained at another institution in place of the intern examination.

(3)       If there is no consent between Board and Examining Board the applicant has to undergo an examination by the Examining Board of the Society.

(4)       If only candidate member status is being applied for, a further examination is initially not required.

Article 5    Final Decision of the Board

(1)       If the applicant fulfils all conditions for admission to the Society, the Board shall decide finally upon the admission as an ordinary member or candidate member, in compliance with Article 4 Paragraph 2 and/or 3 of the Articles of the Society. The decision is to be reached by the Board with no more than one opposing vote.

(2)       The name and address of a admitted ordinary member will be published on the homepage of the Society in their special field of expertise if the concerned member agrees.

Article 6    Admission of Associate Members

Associate members are subject of the rules specified in Article 4 Paragraph 4 of the Articles of Association.

Article 7    Appointment of Honorary Members

The appointment of honorary members is subject of Article 4 Paragraph 6 of the Articles of Association.


Hamburg, den 15 June 1990

changed on 24 June 1999

changed on 26 May 2005

changed on 08 June 2007

changed on 03 June 2010

changed on 31 May 2018







( Dr Michael Rieß )              ( Benedikt Armbruster )             ( Beate Rücker-Fuchs )

        President                              Vice-President                                 Secretary



Termes of Admission
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Text in German Language
(c) GFS 06`2023